Hydrocodone: Rescheduled, Repositioned & Reinvented

The Impact of Hydrocodone Rescheduling,
Zohydro ER, and Abuse-deterrent Formulations

Pain Insights, Inc. announces a comprehensive market research study conducted among primary care physicians and other key specialties prescribing hydrocodone combination products. The report reveals how the scheduling change from Schedule III to II, which imposes more stringent regulations on prescribers, could impact the pain market. The survey also assesses the effect of new medications, including the concept of an abuse-deterrent, extended-release hydrocodone on unmet market needs.

Hydrocodone is the most frequently prescribed opioid in the United States with over 129 million prescriptions for hydrocodone-acetaminophen products dispensed in 2013 (IMSHealth). It will be important to understand practitioner views on the rescheduling of hydrocodone combination products and any impact on prescribing dynamics.

Study content:

How are currently available opioids being utilized for acute and chronic pain? What are practitioner reactions to rescheduling? Favorable/not favorable – Why? How much will hydrocodone prescribing change for acute and chronic pain due to rescheduling? What will be the share impact for specific alternative medications for both acute and chronic pain? How do prescribers compare alternative medications to hydrocodone combinations in term of efficacy and adverse effects? What potential benefits and unintended consequences arise from rescheduling for patients and practitioners? How do practitioners value supportive initiatives to address abuse, misuse, and diversion? What will be the impact of new products on the pain market? Product descriptions of new products, Xartemis™ XR, Zohydro™ ER, and the concept of an abuse-deterrent, extended-release hydrocodone were reviewed. Response to the availability of Evzio™ for the reversal of opioid overdose.

The principals at Pain Insights, Inc. have researched issues pertinent to hydrocodone and the management of pain for more than 25 years. We are pleased to make this timely report available to provide you with insights into the current hydrocodone marketplace.

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William Kolek, President, Pain Insights, Inc. (Email)
Bob Catuosco, Vice President, Pain Insights, Inc. (Email)

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